Последнее объявление -
[ Февр 27, 00:20 ] Ферус: Привет, Иррбис. Навряд ли, кто-то играет. Как я уже говорил, у нас есть чат. Но и чат пока не особо бодрый. Но мы се еще держим связь.
[ Февр 12, 19:33 ] Иррбис:
Всем привет! Как дела, как жизнь? Играет кто? Я сейчас в Варкрафте, который классик, завтра идем бить Иллидана

Про управление и макросы в игре.

Квесты, классы, умные мысли

Модератор: Эволв

Про управление и макросы в игре.

Сообщение Spark » Пн 18 дек, 2006 10:35

Для начала список клавиш управления:

Последний раз редактировалось Spark Ср 10 янв, 2007 1:46, всего редактировалось 4 раз(а).
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 886
Ср 13 сен, 2006 10:29

Сообщение Spark » Пн 18 дек, 2006 10:49

Добавлено спустя 1 минуту 48 секунд:

Клавиши управления и команды, которые можно использовать в строке чата:

Управление камерой

Обзор мышьюНажать правую кнопку мыши и двигать мышью
Поднять взглядNumpad 9 или Page Up
Опустить взглядNumpad 3 или Page Down
Центрирование камерыNumpad 5
УвеличитьNumpad Plus или Колесо мыши Вверх
УменьшитьNumpad Minus или Колесо мыши Вниз
Смена видаF9


ВпередW или Вверх или Numpad 8 или Обзор мышью+Левая копка мыши
НазадS или Вниз или Numpad 2
Поворот влевоA или Влево или Numpad 4
Поворот вправоD или Вправо или Numpad 6
Двигаться влевоQ или Ctrl+A или Ctrl+Влево или Ctrl+Numpad 4 или Обзор мышью+Поворот влево
Двигаться вправоE или Ctrl+D или Ctrl+Вправо или Ctrl+Numpad 6 или Обзор мышью+Поворот вправо
Всплыть Numpad 7 или Home
Бежать/идти Shift+R
АвтобегNum Lock


Вход в окно чатаEnter
Ввод команды/
Листать вверхShift+Page Up
Листать внизShift+Page Down
Сказать приватноT
Ответить R или Backspace
Сказать группеG
Сказать гильдии/gu {сообщение}
/guildsay {сообщение}
Сказать группе/gsay {сообщение}
Крикнуть /shout
Сказать вне роли/ooc
Повтор предыдущего сообщенияВверх
Цвет сообщения{команда чата, например /tell, /ooc, /gu, и т.д.} {код цвета, например: #FFFFFF} {сообщение}

Каналы чата

Просмотреть список каналов/channellist
Подключить канал/joinchannel {наименование канала}
Отключить канал/leavechannel {наименование канала}
Подключить все каналы/leaveall
Сказать в канал/tellchannel {наименование канала} {}
/{номер канала} {сообщение}
Список пользователей канала/whochannel {наименование канала}
/whochannel {номер канала}


Примечания: Многие функции могут быть использованы только офицерами гильдии.Большинство команд доступно только через окно управления гильдией.

Открыть окно гильдииU
Сказать гильдии/gu {сообщение}
/guildsay {сообщение}
Пригласить в гильдию/guild invite %t (персонаж должен быть целью)
/guildinvite {имя персонажа}
Повысить статус члена гильдии/guild promote
Исключить члена гильдии/guild kick {имя члена гильдии}
Сообщение дня/guild motd

Команды групп и рейдов

Помогать/assist %t (член группы должен быть целью)
/assist {имя члена группы}
Убрать цель/disband
Ctrl + D
Следовать за членом группы/follow (член группы должен быть целью)
Пригласить в группу/invite (персонаж должен быть целью)
Ctrl + I (персонаж должен быть целью)
/invite {имя персонажа}
Исключить из группы или рейда/kickfromgroup {имя персонажа или цель}
/kickfromraid {имя персонажа или цель}
Покинуть группу или рейд/leave
Сменить лидера/makeleader {имя персонажа или цель}
Захват целиЛевая кнопка мыши
/target {имя персонажа}


Убрать цельEscape
Захват целиОдиночный щелчок левой кнопкой мыши на объекте или персонаже
Указатель цели на себяF1
Указатель цели на ПетаShift+F1
Указатель цели на согруппниковот F2 до F6
Указатель цели на Петов согруппниковShift+(от F2 до F6)
Захват следующего NPCTab
Захват предыдущего NPC Shift+Tab
Захват ближайшего PCF7
Захват ближайшего NPCF8
Следующий враждебный NPC Ctrl+Tab
Предыдущий враждебный NPC *По умолчанию не определено

Флаги состояния перссонажа

Отыгрывание роли/role
Нет за клавиатурой/afk (пустое место или вписать сообщения для автоответа)
Поиск свободной группы/lfg


Приветсововать цельH
Автоатака вкл/выкл~
Снимок экранаPrint Screen
Заказать пиццу :lol: /pizza
Капюшон скрыть/отобразить/showhood
Добавить в список друзей/friend (имя)
Ингнорировать/ignore (имя)
Проверить время (в игре и реальности)/time
Смена функции "Двойного щелчка"F
Список персонажей в локации/ {нажать Enter}
Задать настроение персонажа/mood (можно выбрать одно из: Happy, Sad, Angry, Tired, None)
Сообщить об опечатке/typo
Сообщить о программной ошибке/bug
Сообщить пожелания/feedback
Написать петицию/petition

Теги макрокоманд

Обращение по полу (He, She, It)%S
Обращение по полу (Him, Her, It)%O
Обращение по полу (His, Her, Its)%P
Раса (работает только с персонажами )%R

Наборы горячих клавиш

Первая панельот 0 до =
Вторая панельAlt+(от 0 до =)
Третья панельCtrl+(от 0 до =)
Первый набор панелей Shift+(от 0 до =)
Второй набор панелейShift+Alt+(от 0 до =)
Третий набор панелейShift+Ctrl+(от 0 до =)


Следуюший интерфейсF10
Скрыть верхнее окноEscape
Журнал квестовJ
Книга знанийK
Горячие клавишиAlt+H
Краткий указатель квестаAlt+J
Действующие эффектыAlt+M
Указатель опытаAlt+X
Игровое менюAlt+Escape

Добавлено через 2 часа 26 минут 15 секунд:

Ффух... Пользувайтесь :)

Добавлено через 6 минут 9 секунд:

Осталось сказать, что еще не хватает команд выражения эмоций (очень полезно в макросах). Ну и еще по-мелочи наверняка чего-то нет.
Буду благодарен, если кто-то раскопает. ;)
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 886
Ср 13 сен, 2006 10:29

Сообщение Spark » Пн 18 дек, 2006 10:52

Макросы (и с чем их едят)

Вот и научились худо-будно пользоваться интерфейсом. Установлены нужные моды, разобраны эмоции, распределены горячие клавиши. И тут приходит черед МАКРОСОВ (слово-то какое!).

Что позволяет: С помощью макросов можно задать определенную повторяющуюся последовательность действий персонажа (это в идеале, на практике все несколько сложнее и грустнее:( ). Также с помощью макросов можно улучшить отыгрывание роли (только вот кнопки куда складывать?) :)

Где найти: Панель макросов находится там же где панель эмоций ("Socials" кажется, кнопка управления - "О"), если присмотреться внимательнее, то там есть еще одна закладка, как раз с макросами.

Как работает: Заходим в панель макросов и на одном из мест создания макросов (там несколько страниц отведено под них) щелкаем левой кнопкой (чтобы изменить уже созданный макрос тут же щелкаем на названии созданного макроса). Появляется панель создания. Вводим название макроса, выбираем картинку, которая будет в дальнейшем обозначать наш макрос (выбор очень невелик, но хоть что-то). И теперь в нижних трех строках можно написать команды макроса. Это мы рассмотрим поподробнее:

Примеры простых команд:
/gsay Я вижу опасного монстра %T. Зажарим его! - посылает в групповой чат фразу-предупреждение, где %T - будет автоматически меняться на название закрепленной цели.
/say Hello, Oh, beautiful lady! - Посылает в общий чат приветствие
/ooc Чтобы ускорить графику измените качество отображения деталей в графических опциях - посылает сообщение вне роли персонажа

Таких команд можно ввести три - по одной в каждой строке. А если надо больше?

Включить более одной команды позволяет символ ";"


/bow ; say Hello! - персонаж кланяется и говорит "Здрасте" на англицком
/point ; gsay Там стоит %T, будьте осторожны! - указывает пальцем на цель и посылает предупреждение группе

Точку с запятой можно использовать только в цепочках состоящих из базовых команд. Кроме того имейте ввиду, что после текстовой части нельзя продолжать цепочку команд.

Теперь о том, как использовать заклинания и способности в макросах.
Для запуска заклинания в макросе используется команда: useability <спелл>

При использовании этой команды надо учитывать две простые вещи: эта команда используется для задания и магических заклинаний, и крафтоых способностей, и абилок персонажа (вроде рыбной ловли); в названии используемого спелла важно прописывать все пробелы, апострофы и т.п. Есть некоторые данные о наличии глюков с созданием макросов с русскими названиями спеллов, то есть если создали макрос, поменять его уже не удастся. Сам еще не пробовал но все факты в работе локализации это подтверждают.
ВНИМАНИЕ: чтобы макросы такого типа работали правильно лучше использовать другой формат записи макроса: вначале пишется двоеточие, потом перечисляются команды через точку с запятой. Это позволяет задавать команды с тестовыми параметрами, каковыми являются названия спеллов и реплики в чат.


: ; useability Chillshield ; gsay В бой! - использует заклинание ледяной стены и посылает в групповой чат предупреждение о начале боя

ВАЖНО: после двоеточий и точек с запятыми всегда ставится пробел.

И вот тут мы дошли до главного ограничения макросов :( Дело в том, что в макросе нельзя использовать более двух заклинаний требующих времени на выполнение. Почему: при поступлении команды макроса на выполнение первого заклинания оно сразу начинает выполняться, если во время выполнения этого заклинания подается команда на выполнение следующего - оно ставится в очередь (как и при выполнении заклинаний "вручную"), если в это же время придет команда на выполнение третьего заклинания (а именно так и случится, если в макросе будет три и более заклинаний), то это отменит очередь второго и поставит в очередь выполнения третье заклинание и т.д. Таки образом будут выполнены только первое и последнее заклинание цепи макроса. Впрочем, если заклинание не требует вермени (так называемые триггеры), то их можно включать и более двух (например спеллы крафта или включение атаки холодным оружием).

Некторые команды, которые можно использовать в макросах (их много, но я пока знаю только эти).

target_self - устанавливает прицел на себя
target_nearest_npc - устанавливает прицел на враждебного NPC (моба)
useability <спелл> - запускает выполнение спелла
toggleautoattack - переключает автоатаку
/pet attack - домашнее животное нападет на вашу текущую цель
/pet backoff - домашнее животное прекратит нападать на цель
/pet stayhere - домашнее животное остановится и будет ждать вас в текущем местоположении
/pet followme - домашнее животное последует за Вами
/pet report - домашнее животное сообщит о своем здоровье в процентах
/pet guardme - домашнее животное будет охранять и следовать за Вами
/pet guardhere - домашнее животное будет охранять текущее местоположение
/pet who - домашнее животное сообщит имя своего владельца
/pet getlost - домашнее животное исчезнет

На что надо обратить внимание, если макрос не работает:

1. Двоеточие должно ставиться первым, если используется более одной команды в строке
2. Если после точки с запятой стоит ДВА пробела вмето одного - это приводит к ошибке в исполнении макроса
3. Любая команда сообщения в чат должна стоять последней в строке (по моим последним исследованиям этот глюк исправлен, но все-таки старайтесь ставить такие команды в конце строки)
4. Название спелла должно быть приведено ПОЛНОСТЬЮ со всеми пробелами, апострофами и т.п.
5. Если вначале строки используется "/", то в ней должна стоять только ОДНА команда

Что НЕЛЬЗЯ сделать с помощью макроса
1. Нельзя задать нажатие горячей клавиши
2. Нельзя вставить паузу в выполнении команд (сейчас эта возможность разыскивается и исследуется мной, но пока результатов нет)

Есть некоторые хитрости использования макросов и я надеюсь мы все вместе будем понемногу добавлять описания и особенности создания макросов

Добавлено через 1 час 38 минут 47 секунд:

Поехали делать дополнения:

Команду "useability" можно заменить на "usea"

Добавлено через 5 минут 59 секунд:

МАМОЧКИ!!! Нашел как вывести список всех команд EQ2. Чего-то их много... ОЧЕНЬ!!!

Сейчас дам таблицу без описания команд - большинство вроде бы должно быть понятно, а что непонятно будем разбираться.

Добавлено через 34 минуты 11 секунд:

Короче... Много их там. Вот только общие сведения:
Чтобы вывести справку по командам надо в чате набрать "/a", "/b","/c" и т.д. и нажать кнопку TAB - это выведет список команд начинающихся на введенный символ (можно задать несколько символов и тогда выведутся команды, в которых есть такое сочетание).

Список команд можно посмотреть также тут: http://www.eq2interface.com/forums/showthread.php?t=982

Впрочем все это уж совсем для маньяков, так как в игре присутствует около 1000 (ТЫСЯЧИ!) текстовых команд...
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 886
Ср 13 сен, 2006 10:29

Сообщение Алиндор » Пн 18 дек, 2006 10:55

что-то я второе сообщение сверху ниасилил... :shock: ))
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 892
Ср 13 сен, 2006 12:13
Откуда: Норрат, Юж. Кейнос, ул. Эрролизи-5

Сообщение Эволв » Пн 18 дек, 2006 11:10

Глаза чуть не сломал :lol:
Вход -это отверстие извне во внутрь, в обратном направлении, именуемое выходом.
Аватара пользователя
Шеф-повар Гильдии
Шеф-повар Гильдии
Сообщения: 887
Сб 23 сен, 2006 10:21
Откуда: Москва

Сообщение Spark » Пн 18 дек, 2006 11:14

Ща все будет )) Настраиваю чтобы у всех HTML отображлся )

Добавлено спустя 1 минуту 29 секунд:

Для желающих - можно самостоятельно включить в профиле у себя отображение HTML
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 886
Ср 13 сен, 2006 10:29

Сообщение Эволв » Пн 18 дек, 2006 11:30

Для желающих - можно самостоятельно включить в профиле у себя отображение HTML

значительно лучше :)
Вход -это отверстие извне во внутрь, в обратном направлении, именуемое выходом.
Аватара пользователя
Шеф-повар Гильдии
Шеф-повар Гильдии
Сообщения: 887
Сб 23 сен, 2006 10:21
Откуда: Москва

Сообщение Марал » Пн 18 дек, 2006 12:17

Подскажите команду на открывание окна, где можно посмотреть время замков по зонам. А то, что-то не вижу. Как-то открывал, а как не помню :cry:
С уважением, Алексей.
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 347
Вт 26 сен, 2006 10:51
Откуда: Санкт-Петербург
Класс персонажа: Паладин

Сообщение Эволв » Пн 18 дек, 2006 12:32

Таймеры возврата в зоны - Alt+Z
Вход -это отверстие извне во внутрь, в обратном направлении, именуемое выходом.
Аватара пользователя
Шеф-повар Гильдии
Шеф-повар Гильдии
Сообщения: 887
Сб 23 сен, 2006 10:21
Откуда: Москва

Re: Про управление и макросы в игре.

Сообщение Лавиния » Пт 28 мар, 2008 13:02

Following System was used for the parameters:
parameters in are optional
parameters in [] are require for effect
parameters in '' (single quotes) are literals rather than variables
parameters followed by * (astrisk) will accept a pattern rather than the full spelling
We have also tried to standardized the variable names to make a little more sense of what the parameter is.
name - a name of some kind: first, last, guild, etc.
count - a quantity or amount
amp - amplifiaciton
text - any text
# - a number or index
index - an index
slot - an inventory slot
An addition of voiced emotes and animated emotes, will follow soon(TM).

- [ Chat and Community ] -
/AUction [text] - Sends the given text to the current zone as an auction.
/Emote [text] - Personifies the emoted text.
/Ooc [text] - Sends the given text to the current zone as out of character.
/SHOut [text] - Shouts the given text to the current zone.
/Say [text] - Sends the given text to nearby players as though said.
/Ventsay [text] - Sends the given text through the target with ventriloquism.
/GU [text] - Alias for /guildsay
/GUILDSay [text] - Sends the given text to all guild members.
/OFficersay [text] - Sends the given text to the officer channel
/OS - Alias for /officersay
/Gsay [text] - Sends the given text to all group members.
/RAIDSay [text] - Sends the given text to the raid channel
/RS - Alias for /raidsay
/Tell [name] [text] - Sends the given text to Character
You can send tells and ingame mail to other players on other server / SOE games.
Just include the name of the server followed by a dot:

/tell antonia.Tom -> sends a tell to Tom on Antonia Bayle
/tell eq.innoruuk.saphie -> Sends a tell to Saphie on the EQlive Server Innoruuk
/tell swg.lowca.Obinat -> Sends a tell to Obinat on the SWG server Lowca

These names you can also use when you send an ingame mail. You can not attach items to such mails though.

/TELLTARGET [text] - Sends the given text to your target
/TT [text] - Alias for /telltarget
/CLEARCHAT - clear the visible contents of the chat window or current tab
/Friends - Toggle the name on your friends list. If name is not given the friends list is returned.
/FRIEND_Add - Adds the name to your friends list. If name is not given the friends list is returned.
/FRIEND_Remove - Removes the name from your friends list. If name is not given the friends list is returned.
/Ignores - Toggle the name on your ignore list. If name is not given then the ignore list is returned.
/IGNORE_Add - Adds the name to your ignore list. If name is not given the ignore list is returned.
/IGNORE_Remove - Removes the name from your ignore list. If name is not given the ignore list is returned.
/MOod - Changes your facial expression. Moods persist until changed.
- Applys the appropriate expression.
- Sets facial expression back to neutral.
The following characters can be used on the chat line in place of the corresponding slash command:
: = /emote
' = /say
! = /shout
@ = /guildsay
$ = /auction
# = /groupsay

- [ % - Codes ] -
** Useful for hotkeyed macros (see socials window, macro tab) **
When speaking, you can now use a series of “%-codes” that expand into various pieces of information.
For all the %whatever substitutions, you can use either the uppercase letter or the lowercase.
If you use the lowercase (%t), the substitution will be lowercase as well, if you use the uppercase (%T)
the substitution will be uppercase.
%o = him, her, it
%O = Him, Her, It
%M – Returns the character’s pet's name (when they have a pet)
%T - Returns the current target.
%S - Returns the subjective gender-specific pronoun for the target (He, She, It).
%O - Returns the objective gender-specific pronoun for the target (Him, Her, It).
%P - Returns the possessive gender-specific pronoun for the target (His, Her, Its).
%R - Returns the race of the target (only works on Player characters - Sorry.
%G - Returns the gender of the target

- [ Channels ] -

/TELLChannel [channel] [text] - send message to room specified.
/CSay [channel] [text] - Alias for /tellchannel
/[#] [text] - tell command for channel number assignment (better than /tellchannel #)
/Joinchannel [channelname] - Enter the given channel.
/LEAVECHANNEL [# | channel] - Leaves the given channel.
/LEAVEALL - Exit all channels you are currently in.
/CHANNELLIST - Returns all channels you are in.
/WHOCHANNEL [# | channel] - Returns all users in given channel. (short /WC [# | channel])
/CHatleave [channel] - Alias for /leavechannel.
/CHATWho [channel] - Alias for /whochannel.

- [ Combat, Abilities and Equipment ] -
/ASsist - Take the target of you target or partialy named character
/ATtune_equip [slot] - Attunes the selected slot.
/MEnder_repair [slot] - Repairs the slot while interacting with a mender.
['0'] - Primary (like a wand)
['1'] - Secondary (like a shield)
['2'] - Head
['3'] - Chest
['4'] - Shoulders
['5'] - Forearms
['6'] - Hands
['7'] - Legs
['8'] - Feet
['9'] - Left Ring
['10'] - Right Ring
['11'] - Ears
['12'] - Neck
['13'] - Left Wrist
['14'] - Right Wrist
['15'] - Ranged
['16'] - Ammo
['17'] - Waist
['18'] - Left Activatable (like a potion)
['19'] - Right Activatable (like a potion)

/CON - Consider an NPC or player.
/CLEarabilityqueue - Removes the queued ability from the queue.
/clearallqueuedabilities - Alias for /clearabilityqueue
/DISAble_combat_exp - Toggles combat experience reward.
/INSPECT_Player [name] - Name must be given and must be the name of a player in the current zone.
The given name is ignored and your own character is inspected.
/USEAbility - Use Ability
/Yell - Break the encounter you have targeted or break all encounters with yourself targeted
/TARGET_GROUP_MEMBER - Target group member than matches the name pattern or by index: 0,1,2,3,4.
/TARGET_GROUP_PET - Target group member pet by index: 0,1,2,3,4.
/TARGET_NONE - Clear your target.
/TARGET_SELF - Target yourself.
/USE_Equipped_item [slot] - Use the effect of and equipped item.
['0'] - Primary (like a wand)
['8'] - Left Ring
['9'] - Right Ring
['11'] - Ears
['18'] - Left Activatable (like a potion)
['19'] - Right Activatable (like a potion)

*** If you find out more slot numbers please post them here or send me an PM.
*** Or if you a developer and you know them .. do the same
/SET_Language [language] - (Caps to start is important) sets your /say and /shout language

These are the 16 languages of the 16 player races:
1 - Common
2 - Halasian
3 - Thexian
4 - Dwarven
5 - Erudian
6 - Guktan
7 - Gnomish
8 - Ayr'Dal
9 - Stout
10 - Koada'Dal
11 - Sebilisian
12 - Kerran
13 - Oggish
14 - Ykeshan
15 - Feir'Dal
16 - Ratongan

- [ Login / Logoff ] -

(Thanks to Sorvani )
To camp straight form character to character without stopping at the character select screen,
set up a macro to do the following.
/cl_autoplay_allowed 1
The character name MUST be capitalized correctly.

Additionally you can even camp to a toon on another server but it takes a 4th line.
so the easy thing to do is not put the /camp in your macro and just type it yourself,
then click the macro.
/cl_autoplay_allowed 1

- [ Hot Buttons ] -
/clear_hotkey_bank [hotbar #] - will clear the specified hotbar

/savehotkeys [filename] - saves the current Hotkeys to a file
/loadhotkeys [filename] - loads the Hotkeys from a file

A very nice Idea of dancingbear is to make a set of Hot Keys every level you attain to go back to a setting when you mentor someone.

ie, when you ding 20, set up your new skill on a hotkey and /savehotkeys _20.dat
when you ding 21, /savehotkeys _21.dat
when you ding 22, /savehotkeys _22.dat

This makes changeing a level not that a big issue anymore.

- [ Misc / Utility ] -
/BUBBLE_FONTSIZE [size] - Change the point size of the font within chat bubbles.
/FILTER - Toggles obscenity filter.
/L - Alias for /loc
/LOC - Returns the location of your character in x, y, z dimensions.
/LOG - Toggle the text log.
/MOTd - Returns the message of the day.
/PLayed - Returns the date your character was created and the amount of time spent online.
/RANdom [y] - Generates a random number x and y where x is less than y. If x is omitted it is assumed to be 1.
/TIME - Returns the current game time and real time.
/WAypoint [x], [y], [z] - Creates a glowing waypoint to the location x, y, z. Commas are optional.
/COllection_additem [collection] [slot]
/cutemode - Switched to a comic style view on all the PC and NPCs

- [ Character Customization ] -
/HIde_illusions - Toggles your default character model.
/LAStname [name] - Sets the character's last name. This can only be used once a week.
/RESPec - Reselect Traits, Traditions, and Training options. (Please be aware that you can only use the /respec command ONCE)

- [ Actions ] -
/FOllow - Autofollow the target or named player, either must be grouped.
/CUrrent_food - Returns the name of the last food set for eat when hungry.
/CURRENT_Drink - Returns the name of the last drink set to drink when thirsty.

/CAMP - Exits the game to the character selection list, unless directed to the desktop
/EXIT - Abort the game to the desktop
/Quit - Like /camp but with immediate link death
/BAG_OPEN [x] [y] [z] - Opens a container in your inventory.
[x] - Seems to be static and hasn't had any noticable use as of yet.
[y] - Container slot ID: 0-5 opens contianer 1-6 respectively.
[z] - Overrides the other parms and opens an unusable 36 slot contianer with fogged slots.
The number given seem to be some kind of ID for the particular box it opens.

- [ House ] -
/HOUSE - Opens the access window for the house you are in.
/HOuse_kick - Remove the targeted or named player. Usable only by owners and trusties.
/HOUSE_Own_all - Set the owner of all items in the house to the house owner. (Only house owners can use this command.)
/CLose_store_keep_selling - Closes the store window but maintains trader status.
/COLLECT_ALL_HOUSEITEMS [confirm] - Any value can be given for confirm. House items are placed in your inventory.

Добавлено спустя 46 секунд:
- [ Group and Raid ] -
/ACceptinvite - Accept a group invitation.
/INvite - Invite target or named player into the group.
/DEclineinvite - Decline a group invitation.
/LEavegroup - Leave the current group.
/DIsband - Alias for /leavegroup
/MAkeleader - Makes the target or named player group leader.
/Kickfromgroup - Removes the target or named player from group.
/KICKFROMRaid - Removes the targeted group from raid
/RAIDInvite - same as radial "invite to raid"
/LEAVERaid - same as radial "leave raid"

- [ Character Status Flags ] -

/Afk - Toggles the AFK flag. Default text is 'Sorry, I am A.F.K. (Away From Keyboard)'.
The text is given as a reply to any tell.
/ANon - Makes your character Anonymous, hiding level, class, guild, and zone from /who.
/LFG - Toggles the looking for group flag.
/LFW - Toggles the looking for work flag (for artisans).
/ROle - Toggles the roleplaying flag, and makes level, class, and zone anonymous from /who.

- [ Who and Example Uses ] -
/ - Alias for /who
/WHOT - Alias for /whotarget
/WHOTARGET - Returns /who information for your target
/Who - If parameters are not given a list of all characters in the current zone is returned.
- Limits the search to character names and guild names matching the pattern
- Limits the search to characters with the same class, subclass, or architype. (No spaces)
- Limits the search to characters with the same race. (No spaces)
- Limits the search to characters of the specified level or level range (inclusive)
- Limits the search to characters with the specified alignemt
- Limits the search to characters on your friends list
- Limits the search to characters within your guild
- Limits the search to characters who are showing the GM flag
- Expands the search to all zones rather than the current zone
/who evil friends all - Search all zones for characters who are both evil and on your friends list
/who fighter 16 10 LFG - Search the current zone for any fighter between the levels of 10 and 16 who are looking for group
/who all druid 25 guild - Search all zones for Wardens and Furies who are level 25 and in your guild
/who bubba halfling shadowknight - Search the current zone for an abomination whose name or guild begins with the word "bubba".

- [ Guild Admin] -
/guild create [Guild Name] – temporary method of guild creation
/guild invite - target a player in the same zone and invite them to join your guild. You must be an officer to do this
/guild kick - used by officers to remove people from a guild - might work to target yourself and kick too..not sure
/guild promote - used to promote people to full member and officer
/guild demote
/guild follower
/guild patron
/GUILD motd [MESSAGE]- adds a message that all guild members will see when they log on


- [ Pet ] -

These commands now toggle the condition for the pet now instead of giving the command (since the recent pat changes)
/pet stayhere - pet will stop following you and remain where it is
/pet followme - pet will follow you
/pet guardme - pet will guard and follow you
/pet guardhere - pet will guard its current location
and these still issue the command
/pet attack - pet will attack your current target
/pet backoff - pet will cease attacking its target
/pet report - pet will announce his health in a percentage
/pet who - pet will announce its master
/pet getlost - pet will disappear

- [ Feedback ] -

/TYPO - Report a typo within the game
/BUG - Report a bug
/FEEDBACK - Give ideas, suggestions and comments to SOE
/PETITION - Contact customer service
/REPORT - Reports a player to the GM's and gives them the last 10-15 lines of text in your chat window

- [ Abortives ] -
/CANCEL_BAnk - Ends interaction with a banker
/CANCEL_Broker - Ends interaction with a broker
/CANCEL_Effect [index] - - Cancels buffs (haven't got the science on index yet)
/CANCEL_MAIL - Ends interaction with a mail kiosk
/CANCEL_MAINtained [index] - Cancels conentration buffs (haven't got the science on index yet)
/CANCEL_Store - Ends interaction with your store
/CANCEL_Trade - Aborts a trade with another player
/CANCEL_Merchant - Ends interaction with a merchant
/STopfollow - Ends the follow command.
/STOPCreation - Ends the tradeskill process.
/STOPDrinking - Ends the drink when thirsty ability.
/STOPEating - Ends the eat when hungry ability.

- [ Banking, Brokering, Merchanting ] -
/BAnk_deposit [count] [type] - Places a number of coins from the inventory into the bank.
I don't know the acceptable input for type, but the default assumes copper.
/BANK_Withdraw [count] [type] - Places a number of coins from the inventory into the bank.
I don't know the acceptable input for type, but the default assumes copper.
/REMove_trade_copper [count]
/REMOVE_TRADE_Silver [count]
/REMOVE_TRADE_Gold [count]
/REMOVE_TRADE_Plat [count]
/REMOVE_TRADE_Item [pos] [slot] [count]
/ADd_trade_copper [count]
/ADD_TRADE_Silver [count]
/ADD_TRADE_Gold [count]
/ADD_TRADE_Plat [count]
/ADD_TRADE_Item [pos] [slot] [count]

- [ Sound and Visual ] -
/NEXTPOVSETTINGS - Toggles the camera between 1st and 3rd person views.
/CAMERA_RECENTER - Centers the camera in first person view.
/MASTER_VOLUME [amp] - Sets the amplification of value for master volume filter. This does not adjust other volume settings.
[amp] - Fractional value between 0 and 1, where 0 is off and 1 is full.
/MUSIC_VOLUME [amp] - Sets the amplification of value for backgorund music.
[amp] - Fractional value between 0 and 1, where 0 is off and 1 is full.
/AMBIENT_VOLUME [amp] - Sets the amplification of value for ambient sounds.
[amp] - Fractional value between 0 and 1, where 0 is off and 1 is full.
/COMBAT_MUSIC_VOLUME [amp] - Sets the amplification of value for combat music.
[amp] - Fractional value between 0 and 1, where 0 is off and 1 is full.
/VOICE_VOLUME [amp] - Sets the amplification of value for voice volume.
[amp] - Fractional value between 0 and 1, where 0 is off and 1 is full.
/CL_SCREENSHOT - Takes a screenshot using your current camera setting. The file is created in this format:
^ ^
| |
| File sequence. Keeps files with like prefixes unique.
File name prefix given with command. If not entered the default is 'screenshot'

/CL_SCREENSHOT_ORBIT_COUNT [count] - Sets the number of screenshots to take when /cl_screenshot_orbit is used.
The default is 36
/CL_SCREENSHOT_ORBIT - Briefly stops time to take a number of screenshots around your character using
your current camera setting. The file is created in this format:
^ ^ ^
| | |
| | Image sequnce. Will expand to 3 or more digits if needed.
| |
| File sequence. Keeps files with like prefix/image seqences unique.
File name prefix given with command. If not entered the default is 'screenshotorbit'

The "/cl_screenshot_orbit" command. has two efects.
- In first Person it wil make shots of the environment,
- In 3rd person it will take pictures of your character.

- [ Window Commands ] -
/HELP [confirm] - Shows the help window. Any value can be given to confirm.
/OPTIONS_GAME - Shows the options window.
/GROUPOptions - Shows the group options window.
/FIND_PLAYERS - Shows the find players window.
/CLOSE_TOP_WINDOW - Closes the top soft window.
/namingpolicy - opens the Help window to an article that explains the in-game naming policy.
/SHOWCOMBATARTBOOK - Shows the combat arts and abilities book.
/SHOWConcnetration - Returns used concentration of available pool.
/SHOWDEATHDIALOG - Brings up the Death Dialog to be able to Revive if you some how lost the window.
/SHOWEMOTES - Shows the emotes window.
/SHOWHood - Toggles the appearance of the players headgear.
/SHOWINVENTORY - Shows the inventory window.
/SHOWMACROS - Shows the macro window
/SHOWQUESTJOURNAL - Shows the quest journal.
/TOGGLEBAGS - Open/closes all bags in the inventory.
/TOGGLEBANKBAGS - Open/Closes all bank bags (only when in Bank mode)

/SHOW_WINDOW [window name] - opens the window with the specific name
/HIDE_WINDOW [window name] - closes the window with the specific name

Capitalization of the last node in the window name DOES matter.
inventory.Bank Character inventory and bank
inventory.HTML In-game web browser
inventory.Inventory Character inventory
inventory.Exchange (I didn't test this window)
journals.ActiveQuest Helper window
journals.JournalsQuest Quest journal
mainhud.Guild Guild tool
mainhud.Character Raw character data
mainhud.Clock A sun-and-moon time dial
mainhud.Compass Compass
mainhud.Help Help window
mainhud.Effects Active buffs window
mainhud.Experience Experience bar
mainhud.Hotkey New hot bar set to bar 1 (not primary, secondary, or tertiary)
mainhud.ImpliedTarget Implied target window
mainhud.Knowledge Knowledge book
mainhud.Mainchat Opens new chat window
mainhud.Maintained Maintained buffs window
mainhud.Map Map
mainhud.Persona Persona window
mainhud.Pet Pet window
mainhud.RadialMenu Shows last right-click menu
mainhud.Raid Raid window
mainhud.Shutdown Camp/quit window
mainhud.Skills Skills window
mainhud.Socials Socials window
mainhud.Society Tradeskill society breakdown
mainhud.StartButton The EQII button
mainhud.StartMenu Menu from the EQII button
mainhud.Target Target window
mainhud.Waypoint Waypoint window
popup.FeedbackReport Feedback window
popup.LoadSkin (I didn't test this window)
popup.ScriptExecutor (I didn't test this window)
popup.TypoReport Report a typo
popup.UsageAlarm Points to alarm options

- [ Defined Emotes ] -

/Agree TARG [Me] agrees with %T.
SELF [Me] agrees with [him/her]self.
NONE [Me] agrees.
/APPLAud TARG [Me] gives %T a standing ovation!
SELF [Me] is way too happy with [him/her]self!
NONE [Me] applauds!
/ATTEntion TARG [Me] craves attention from %T!
SELF [Me] draws attention to [him/her]self!
NONE [Me] snaps to attention!
/BECkon TARG [Me] beckons to %T.
SELF [Me] beckons everyone to follow [him/her].
NONE [Me] beckons everyone to follow [him/her].
/BEG TARG [Me] begs from %T.
SELF [Me] begs the gods for favor.
NONE [Me] begs the gods for favor.
/BIte TARG [Me] bites %t on the leg!
SELF [Me] looks around for someone to bite!
NONE [Me] looks around for someone to bite!
/BLeed TARG [Me] bleeds all over %T.
SELF [Me] bleeds quietly.
NONE [Me] bleeds quietly.
/BLInk TARG [Me] blinks at %t in disbelief.
SELF [Me] blinks in disbelief.
NONE [Me] blinks in disbelief.
/BLOwkiss TARG [Me] blows a kiss to %T!
SELF [Me] blows kisses to everyone!
NONE [Me] blows kisses to everyone!
/BLUsh TARG [Me] blushes at %t.
SELF [Me] blushes uncontrollably.
NONE [Me] blushes uncontrollably.
/BOggle TARG [Me] boggles at the possibilities presented by %T!
SELF [Me] is so profound, [he/she] has boggled [him/her]self!
NONE [Me] boggles at the opportunities in this area.
/BONk TARG [Me] bonks %t on the head.
SELF [Me] looks around for someone to bonk.
NONE [Me] looks around for someone to bonk.
/BOW TARG [Me] bows to %T.
SELF [Me] bows to [him/her]self.
NONE [Me] bows to everyone.
/BORred TARG [Me] informs %t that [he/she]self is bored.
SELF [Me] informs everyone of [his/her]self boredom.
NONE [Me] informs everyone of [his/her]self boredom.
/BOUnce TARG [Me] bounces around %t.
SELF [Me] bounces excitedly in place.
NONE [Me] bounces around with excitement.
/BRAndish TARG [Me] shows [his/her] weapon to %T.
SELF [Me] shows [his/her] weapon to [him/her]self.
NONE [Me] shows [his/her] weapon to everyone.
/BRb TARG [Me] tells %T that [he/she] will be right back.
SELF [Me] tells everyone [he/she] will be right back.
NONE [Me] tells everyone [he/she] will be right back.
/BURp TARG [Me] burps loudly at %t.
SELF [Me] burps loudly.
NONE [Me] burps loudly.
/BYe TARG [Me] waves goodbye to %T!
SELF Sensing [his/her] impending doom, [Me] waves goodbye to [him/her]self!
NONE [Me] waves goodbye to everyone!
/CACkle TARG [Me] cackles gleefully at %T!
SELF [Me] cackles gleefully to [him/her]self!
NONE [Me] cackles gleefully at everyone!
/CHEer TARG [Me] cheers at %T!
SELF [Me] cheers at [him/her]self!
NONE [Me] cheers for everyone!
/CHUckle TARG [Me] chuckles at %T.
SELF [Me] chuckles quietly to [him/her]self.
NONE [Me] chuckles at everyone.
/CLAP TARG [Me] gives %t a standing ovation!
SELF [Me] claps!
NONE [Me] claps!
/COMfort TARG [Me] looks to %t for comfort.
SELF [Me] looks around for someone to comfort [him/her]self.
NONE [Me] needs to be comforted.
/CONFUsed TARG [Me] looks confused by %T!
SELF [Me] has confused [him/her]self!
NONE [Me] stumbles around, obviously confused.
/CONGratulate TARG [Me] congratulates %T on a job well done.
SELF [Me] congratulaes [him/her]self
NONE [Me] stumbles around confused!
/COUgh TARG [Me] coughs at %t.
SELF [Me] coughs.
NONE [Me] coughs.
/CRAzy TARG [Me] rambles insanely at %t!
SELF [Me] begins to ramble insanely to [him/her]self!
NONE [Me] rambles insanely at everyone!
/CRInge TARG [Me] fearfully cringes away from %T.
SELF [Me] cringes at [his/her] own actions.
NONE [Me] cringes away from everyone.
/CRY TARG [Me] sobs pitifully at %T.
SELF [Me] sobs quietly to [him/her]self.
NONE [Me] sobs pitifully at everyone.
/CURIous TARG [Me] looks at %t curiously.
SELF [Me] considers everyone curiously.
NONE [Me] considers everyone curiously.
/CURSe TARG [Me] gives %T the evil eye!
SELF [Me] curses at [him/her]self!
NONE [Me] curses the gods!
/CURTsey TARG [Me] curtsies to %T.
SELF [Me] curtsies to [him/her]self.
NONE [Me] curtsies to everyone.
/CUTthroat TARG [Me] runs [his/her] thumb around [his/her] throat, threatening %T!
SELF [Me] pretends to cut [his/her] own throat!
NONE [Me] runs [his/her] thumb around [his/her] throat, threatening everyone!

Добавлено спустя 38 секунд:
/DAnce TARG [Me] dances with %T!
SELF [Me] dances with [him/her]self!
NONE [Me] dances with everyone!
/DOh TARG [Me] smacks [his/her] forehead at %T.
SELF [Me] smacks [his/her] forehead.
NONE [Me] smacks [his/her] forehead at everyone.
/DOUbletake TARG [Me] does a doubletake at %T!
SELF [Me] does a doubletake on [him/her]self!
NONE [Me] does a doubletake at the crowd!
/DRool TARG [Me] begins to drool at %t's treasures.
SELF [Me] begins to drool.
NONE [Me] begins to drool.
/DUCk TARG [Me] ducks behind %T!
SELF [Me] ducks!
NONE [Me] ducks!
/EYe TARG [Me] raises an eyebrow at %t!
SELF [Me] raises an eyebrow in surprise.
NONE [Me] raises an eyebrow inquiringly.
/FLex TARG [Me] flexes at %T.
SELF [Me] flexes for [him/her]self.
NONE [Me] flexes for the crowd.
/FLIrt TARG [Me] shamelessly flirts with %T.
SELF [Me] starts flirting!
NONE [Me] starts flirting!
/FLOurish TARG [Me] try to impress %T with a theatric bow!
SELF [Me] flourishes [his/her] weapon at everyone!
NONE [Me] flourishes [his/her] weapon at everyone!
/FLUstered TARG [Me] is flustered with %T.
SELF [Me] flusters [him/her]self.
NONE [Me] appears flustered.
/FROwn TARG [Me] frowns at %t.
SELF [Me] frowns at [him/her]self.
NONE [Me] frowns.
/FRUstrated TARG [Me] is frustrated with %T.
SELF [Me] appears frustrated with [him/her]self.
NONE [Me] appears frustrated.
/Fullcurtsey TARG [Me] formally curtsies to %T.
SELF [Me] formally curtsies to [him/her]self.
NONE [Me] formally curtsies.
/GAg TARG [Me] gags at %T's ugly face!
SELF [Me] gags at the crowd!
NONE [Me] gags at the crowd!
/GASp TARG [Me] gasps at %t in astonishment!
SELF [Me] gasps in astonishment!
NONE [Me] gasps in astonishment!
/GIggle TARG [Me] giggles at %T.
SELF [Me] giggles uncontrollably.
NONE [Me] giggles.
/GLare TARG [Me] glares menacingly at %T!
SELF [Me] practices glaring menacingly.
NONE [Me] glares menacingly!
/GRIn TARG [Me] grins evily at %t.
SELF [Me] grins evily.
NONE [Me] grins evily.
/GROAn TARG [Me] groans at the sight of %t.
SELF [Me] groans at [his/her] own misfortune.
NONE [Me] groans.
/GROVel TARG [Me] grovels before %t.
SELF [Me] grovels pitifully.
NONE [Me] grovels pitifully.
/GRUmble TARG [Me] grumbles at %T.
SELF [Me] grumbles under [his/her] breath.
NONE [Me] grumbles at everyone. Harumph!
/GUTcramp TARG [Me] doubles over in pain towards %T!
SELF [Me] doubles over in pain!
NONE [Me] doubles over in pain and staggers about!
/Hail TARG /say "Hail, %T"
SELF /say "Hail, %T"
NONE /say "Hail"
/HAPpy TARG [Me] happily bounces around %T!
SELF [Me] looks smug.
NONE [Me] happily bounces around!
/HEarnoevil TARG [Me] covers [his/her] ears and pays no heed to %T.
SELF [Me] covers [his/her] ears.
NONE [Me] covers [his/her] ears and pays no heed to anyone.
/HEARTattack TARG [Me] clutches [his/her] chest at %T!
SELF [Me] clutches [his/her] chest and staggers around!
NONE [Me] clutches [his/her] chest!
/HECkno TARG [Me] declines %T. HECK NO!
SELF [Me] declines [him/her]self. Heck no?
NONE [Me] declines everyone. HECK NO!
/HEElclick TARG [Me] jumps in the air and clicks [his/her] heels.
SELF [Me] jumps in the air and clicks [his/her] heels.
NONE [Me] jumps in the air with a loud clicking of heels.
/HELlo TARG [Me] waves hello to %T.
SELF [Me] waves hello to [him/her]self.
NONE [Me] waves hello.
/HOWl TARG [Me] howls in victory at %T!
SELF [Me] howls in victory to [him/her]self!
NONE [Me] howls in victory!
/HUg TARG [Me] hugs %T.
SELF [Me] hugs [him/her]self.
NONE [Me] hugs empty air, a lonely look on [his/her] face.
/HUNgry TARG [Me] begs %t for food.
SELF [Me] needs food, badly.
NONE [Me] needs food, badly.
/INTroduce TARG [Me] introduces %T.
SELF [Me] introduces [him/her]self. Hi there!
NONE [Me] introduces [him/her]self. Hi there!
/ITch TARG [Me] asks %T to scratch an itch.
SELF [Me] scratches an itch on [him/her]self.
NONE [Me] asks anyone to scratch an itch.
/JK TARG [Me] lets %t [he/she] was JUST KIDDING!
NONE [Me] was JUST KIDDING. And no one cares.
/KNeel TARG [Me] kneels down before %t in humility and reverence.
SELF [Me] kneels down.
NONE [Me] kneels down.
/LAUgh TARG [Me] laughs at %T.
SELF [Me] laughs quietly to [him/her]self.
NONE [Me] laughs.
/LIsten TARG [Me] listens intently to %T.
SELF [Me] wishes everyone would listen to [him/her].
NONE [Me] listens intently.
/LOOKaway TARG [Me] looks away from whatever %T is doing.
SELF [Me] looks away from whatever [he/she] is doing.
NONE [Me] looks away.
/LOSt TARG [Me] informs %t that %s is completely lost!
SELF [Me] looks completely lost!
NONE [Me] looks completely lost!
/MASsage TARG [Me] massages %t's shoulders.
SELF [Me] looks around for someone to massage.
NONE [Me] looks around for someone to massage.
/MOAn TARG [Me] moans at %t.
SELF [Me] moans in pain.
NONE [Me] moans in pain.
/MOON TARG [Me] shows %T how [he/she] feels about it!
SELF [Me] tries to moon [him/her]self!
NONE [Me] shows everyone how [he/she] feels about it!
/MOUrn TARG [Me] lowers [his/her] head and mourns the loss of %t.
SELF [Me] lowers [his/her] head and mourns the loss of the dead.
NONE [Me] lowers [his/her] head and mourns the loss of the dead.
/NEener TARG [Me] childishly taunts %T.
SELF [Me] childishly taunts [him/her]self.
NONE [Me] childishly taunts everyone.
/NO TARG [Me] gives %T an emphatic NO!
SELF [Me] gives [him/her]self an emphatic NO!
NONE [Me] gives everyone an empathic NO!
/NOD TARG [Me] nods in agreement at %T.
SELF [Me] nods in agreement to [him/her]self.
NONE [Me] nods in agreement with everyone.
/NOTworthy TARG [Me] is genuflects to %T!
SELF [Me] feels not worthy of [him/her]self!
NONE [Me] genuflects.
/OVerhere TARG [Me] waves frantically to %t.
SELF [Me] waves frantically!
NONE [Me] waves frantically!
/PEEr TARG [Me] peers curiously at %T.
SELF [Me] peers curiously at [him/her]self.
NONE [Me] peers curiously at everyone.
/PLEad TARG [Me] pleads with %t desperately.
SELF [Me] pleads with everyone around [him/her].
NONE [Me] pleads for fate's favor.
/POint TARG [Me] points at %T.
SELF [Me] points at [him/her]self.
NONE [Me] points.
/POKe TARG [Me] pokes %t.
SELF [Me] pokes [him/her]self.
NONE [Me] pokes [him/her]self.
/PONder TARG [Me] ponders %T.
SELF [Me] ponders things best left unspoken.
NONE [Me] ponders.
/POUt TARG [Me] pouts dramatically at %T.
SELF [Me] pouts dramatically by [him/her]self.
NONE [Me] pouts dramatically.
/PUzzle TARG [Me] looks at %t, completely puzzled.
SELF [Me] looks completely puzzled.
NONE [Me] looks completely puzzled.
/RAISehand TARG [Me] tries to get %T's attention.
SELF [Me] begins frantically raising [his/her] hand.
NONE [Me] begins frantically raising [his/her] hand.
/ROAr TARG [Me] emits a low rumble and then a roar at %t!
SELF [Me] emits a low rumble and then roars like a lion!
NONE [Me] emits a low rumble and then roars like a lion!
/ROFl TARG [Me] rolls on the floor laughing at %T!
SELF [Me] flexes rolls on the floor laughing at [him/her]self!
NONE [Me] rolls on the floor laughing!
/ROYalwave TARG [Me] regally waves at %T.
SELF [Me] regally waves at [him/her]self.
NONE [Me] regally waves.
/RUde TARG [Me] gestures rudely at %T!
SELF [Me] gestures rudely at [him/her]self!
NONE [Me] gestures rudely!
/SAD TARG [Me] makes a sad face at %T.
SELF [Me] looks sad.
NONE [Me] makes a sad face.
/SALute TARG [Me] crisply salutes %T.
SELF [Me] crisply salutes [him/her]self.
NONE [Me] crisply salutes.
/SARcasm TARG [Me] sarcastically applauds %T.
SELF [Me] sarcastically applauds [him/her]self.
NONE [Me] sarcastically applauds.
/SCHeme TARG [Me] rubs [his/her] hands together, scheming with %T.
SELF [Me] rubs [his/her] hands together, scheming [his/her] next action.
NONE [Me] rubs [his/her] hands together, obviously scheming.
/SCOld TARG [Me] sternly scolds %T!
SELF [Me] sternly scolds [him/her]self!
NONE [Me] sternly scolds everyone!
/SCRAtch TARG [Me] scratches all over [his/her] body.
SELF [Me] scratches [his/her] body.
NONE [Me] scratches all over [his/her] body.
/SCREam TARG [Me] screams at %T in frustration!
SELF [Me] screams at [him/her]self in frustration!
NONE [Me] screams in frustration!
/SEEnoevil TARG [Me] covers [his/her] eyes to avoid seeing what %T is doing.
SELF [Me] covers [his/her] eyes to avoid seeing what [he/she] is about to do.
NONE [Me] covers [his/her] eyes to avoid seeing what anyone is doing.
/SHAkefist TARG [Me] shakes [his/her] fist menacingly at %T!
SELF [Me] shakes [his/her] fist menacingly at [him/her]self!
NONE [Me] shakes [his/her] fist at nothing in particular!
/SHAMe TARG [Me] is ashamed of %T.
SELF [Me] is ashamed of [him/her]self.
NONE [Me] appears ashamed.
/SHImmy TARG [Me] shimmies around %T!
SELF [Me] shimmies around in a circle!
NONE [Me] shimmies!
/SHIVer TARG [Me] shivers at %T in antici..pation.
SELF [Me] shivers. BRRRRR!
NONE [Me] shivers.
/SHRug TARG [Me] shrugs noncommittally at %T.
SELF [Me] shrugs at [his/her] own thoughts.
NONE [Me] shrugs.
/SIGh TARG [Me] sighs at %T in disappointment.
SELF [Me] sighs in disappointment at [him/her]self.
NONE [Me] sighs disappointedly.
/SMile TARG [Me] smiles at %T.
SELF [Me] smiles evilly to [him/her]self!
NONE [Me] smiles warmly.
/SMIRk TARG [Me] smirks at %T.
SELF [Me] smirks at [his/her] own thoughts.
NONE [Me] smirks.
/SNarl TARG [Me] snarls %T.
SELF [Me] bears [his/her] teeth in a terrible snarl.
NONE [Me] bears [his/her] teeth in a terrible snarl.
/SNEer TARG [Me] sneers at %T!
SELF [Me] sneers to [him/her]self!
NONE [Me] sneers!
/SNEEZe TARG [Me] sneezes on %t!
SELF [Me] sneezes to [him/her]self.
NONE [Me] sneezes!
/SNIcker TARG [Me] quietly snickers and points at %T.
SELF [Me] quietly snickers to [him/her]self.
NONE [Me] snickers.
/SNIFf TARG [Me] sniffs at %T and recommends bathing more often!
SELF [Me] flexes at [him/her]self and nearly passes out!
NONE [Me] sniffs at the general area... what smells?!
/SPeaknoevil TARG [Me] covers [his/her] mouth to prevent saying anything to %T.
SELF [Me] covers [his/her] mouth to prevent saying [his/her] thoughts aloud.
NONE [Me] covers [his/her] mouth to prevent saying anything further.
/SQuare TARG [Me] shapes a box in the air for %T!
SELF [Me] shapes a box in the air!
NONE [Me] shapes a box in the air!
/SQUEal TARG [Me] squeals in delight at %T!
SELF [Me] squeals in delight!
NONE [Me] squeals in delight!
/STARE TARG [Me] stares fixedly at %T.
SELF [Me] stares fixedly off in the distance.
NONE [Me] stares fixedly off in the distance.
/STInky TARG [Me] makes a stinky face at %T!
SELF [Me] makes a stinky face at [him/her]self and tries to remember what [he/she] had for lunch!
NONE [Me] makes a stinky face!
/STRetch TARG [Me] stretches lazily at %T.
SELF [Me] streches lazily to [him/her]self.
NONE [Me] stretches lazily.
/SUlk TARG [Me] sulks quielty at %T.
SELF [Me] sulks quietly to [him/her]self.
NONE [Me] sulks quietly.
/SWEar TARG [Me] swears loudly at %T!
SELF [Me] swears loudly to [him/her]self!
NONE [Me] swears loudly!
/TANtrum TARG [Me] throws a temper tantrum at %T!
SELF [Me] starts kicking and screaming like a child!
NONE [Me] starts kicking and screaming like a child!
/TAPfoot TARG [Me] taps [his/her] foot impatiently at %T.
SELF [Me] taps [his/her] foot impatiently, anticipating future actions.
NONE [Me] taps [his/her] foot impatiently.
/TAUnt TARG [Me] mercilessly taunts %T!
SELF [Me] attempts to taunt [him/her]self!
NONE [Me] mercilessly taunts all nearby!
/THanks TARG [Me] graciously thanks %T.
SELF [Me] thanks [him/her]self.
NONE [Me] appears thankful.
/THReaten TARG [Me] threatens %T with a horrible death!
SELF [Me] threatens everyone!
NONE [Me] threatens all nearby!
/THUmbsup TARG [Me] gives %T the thumbs-up!
SELF [Me] gives [him/her]self the thumbs-up!
NONE [Me] gives the thumbs-up!
/VETo TARG [Me] vetos %t's idea.
SELF [Me] vetos the idea.
NONE [Me] vetos the idea.
/VIolin TARG [Me] plays an imaginary violin in mock sympathy for %T!
SELF [Me] plays an imaginary violin in mock sympathy for [him/her]self!
NONE [Me] plays an imaginary violin in mock sympathy.
/WAVe TARG [Me] waves to %T.
SELF [Me] waves.
NONE [Me] waves.
/WElcome TARG [Me] welcomes %t warmly.
SELF [Me] welcomes everyone.
NONE [Me] welcomes everyone.
/WHIne TARG [Me] whines at %T pitifully.
SELF [Me] whines pitifully.
NONE [Me] whines pitifully.
/WHIStle TARG [Me] whistles appreciatively at %T!
SELF [Me] whistles.
NONE [Me] whistles.
/WHOMe TARG [Me] gestures at %T, Who me?!
SELF [Me] gestures at [him/her]self, Who me?!
NONE [Me] gestures at everyone, Who me?!
/WInce TARG [Me] winces at %T.
SELF [Me] winces at [him/her]self.
NONE [Me] winces at the crowd.
/WINK TARG [Me] winks at %T.
SELF [Me] winks.
NONE [Me] winks.
/WOowoo TARG [Me] shows %T what [he/she] is thinking about!
SELF [Me] shows [Me] thoughts to [him/her]self!
NONE [Me] draws an image for the crowd!
/YAwn TARG [Me] yawns rudely in %T's face!
SELF [Me] yawns.
NONE [Me] yawns.
/YEAh TARG [Me] fervently agrees with %T!
SELF [Me] fervently agrees!
NONE [Me] fervently agrees!

Добавлено спустя 3 секунды:
/DAnce TARG [Me] dances with %T!
SELF [Me] dances with [him/her]self!
NONE [Me] dances with everyone!
/DOh TARG [Me] smacks [his/her] forehead at %T.
SELF [Me] smacks [his/her] forehead.
NONE [Me] smacks [his/her] forehead at everyone.
/DOUbletake TARG [Me] does a doubletake at %T!
SELF [Me] does a doubletake on [him/her]self!
NONE [Me] does a doubletake at the crowd!
/DRool TARG [Me] begins to drool at %t's treasures.
SELF [Me] begins to drool.
NONE [Me] begins to drool.
/DUCk TARG [Me] ducks behind %T!
SELF [Me] ducks!
NONE [Me] ducks!
/EYe TARG [Me] raises an eyebrow at %t!
SELF [Me] raises an eyebrow in surprise.
NONE [Me] raises an eyebrow inquiringly.
/FLex TARG [Me] flexes at %T.
SELF [Me] flexes for [him/her]self.
NONE [Me] flexes for the crowd.
/FLIrt TARG [Me] shamelessly flirts with %T.
SELF [Me] starts flirting!
NONE [Me] starts flirting!
/FLOurish TARG [Me] try to impress %T with a theatric bow!
SELF [Me] flourishes [his/her] weapon at everyone!
NONE [Me] flourishes [his/her] weapon at everyone!
/FLUstered TARG [Me] is flustered with %T.
SELF [Me] flusters [him/her]self.
NONE [Me] appears flustered.
/FROwn TARG [Me] frowns at %t.
SELF [Me] frowns at [him/her]self.
NONE [Me] frowns.
/FRUstrated TARG [Me] is frustrated with %T.
SELF [Me] appears frustrated with [him/her]self.
NONE [Me] appears frustrated.
/Fullcurtsey TARG [Me] formally curtsies to %T.
SELF [Me] formally curtsies to [him/her]self.
NONE [Me] formally curtsies.
/GAg TARG [Me] gags at %T's ugly face!
SELF [Me] gags at the crowd!
NONE [Me] gags at the crowd!
/GASp TARG [Me] gasps at %t in astonishment!
SELF [Me] gasps in astonishment!
NONE [Me] gasps in astonishment!
/GIggle TARG [Me] giggles at %T.
SELF [Me] giggles uncontrollably.
NONE [Me] giggles.
/GLare TARG [Me] glares menacingly at %T!
SELF [Me] practices glaring menacingly.
NONE [Me] glares menacingly!
/GRIn TARG [Me] grins evily at %t.
SELF [Me] grins evily.
NONE [Me] grins evily.
/GROAn TARG [Me] groans at the sight of %t.
SELF [Me] groans at [his/her] own misfortune.
NONE [Me] groans.
/GROVel TARG [Me] grovels before %t.
SELF [Me] grovels pitifully.
NONE [Me] grovels pitifully.
/GRUmble TARG [Me] grumbles at %T.
SELF [Me] grumbles under [his/her] breath.
NONE [Me] grumbles at everyone. Harumph!
/GUTcramp TARG [Me] doubles over in pain towards %T!
SELF [Me] doubles over in pain!
NONE [Me] doubles over in pain and staggers about!
/Hail TARG /say "Hail, %T"
SELF /say "Hail, %T"
NONE /say "Hail"
/HAPpy TARG [Me] happily bounces around %T!
SELF [Me] looks smug.
NONE [Me] happily bounces around!
/HEarnoevil TARG [Me] covers [his/her] ears and pays no heed to %T.
SELF [Me] covers [his/her] ears.
NONE [Me] covers [his/her] ears and pays no heed to anyone.
/HEARTattack TARG [Me] clutches [his/her] chest at %T!
SELF [Me] clutches [his/her] chest and staggers around!
NONE [Me] clutches [his/her] chest!
/HECkno TARG [Me] declines %T. HECK NO!
SELF [Me] declines [him/her]self. Heck no?
NONE [Me] declines everyone. HECK NO!
/HEElclick TARG [Me] jumps in the air and clicks [his/her] heels.
SELF [Me] jumps in the air and clicks [his/her] heels.
NONE [Me] jumps in the air with a loud clicking of heels.
/HELlo TARG [Me] waves hello to %T.
SELF [Me] waves hello to [him/her]self.
NONE [Me] waves hello.
/HOWl TARG [Me] howls in victory at %T!
SELF [Me] howls in victory to [him/her]self!
NONE [Me] howls in victory!
/HUg TARG [Me] hugs %T.
SELF [Me] hugs [him/her]self.
NONE [Me] hugs empty air, a lonely look on [his/her] face.
/HUNgry TARG [Me] begs %t for food.
SELF [Me] needs food, badly.
NONE [Me] needs food, badly.
/INTroduce TARG [Me] introduces %T.
SELF [Me] introduces [him/her]self. Hi there!
NONE [Me] introduces [him/her]self. Hi there!
/ITch TARG [Me] asks %T to scratch an itch.
SELF [Me] scratches an itch on [him/her]self.
NONE [Me] asks anyone to scratch an itch.
/JK TARG [Me] lets %t [he/she] was JUST KIDDING!
NONE [Me] was JUST KIDDING. And no one cares.
/KNeel TARG [Me] kneels down before %t in humility and reverence.
SELF [Me] kneels down.
NONE [Me] kneels down.
/LAUgh TARG [Me] laughs at %T.
SELF [Me] laughs quietly to [him/her]self.
NONE [Me] laughs.
/LIsten TARG [Me] listens intently to %T.
SELF [Me] wishes everyone would listen to [him/her].
NONE [Me] listens intently.
/LOOKaway TARG [Me] looks away from whatever %T is doing.
SELF [Me] looks away from whatever [he/she] is doing.
NONE [Me] looks away.
/LOSt TARG [Me] informs %t that %s is completely lost!
SELF [Me] looks completely lost!
NONE [Me] looks completely lost!
/MASsage TARG [Me] massages %t's shoulders.
SELF [Me] looks around for someone to massage.
NONE [Me] looks around for someone to massage.
/MOAn TARG [Me] moans at %t.
SELF [Me] moans in pain.
NONE [Me] moans in pain.
/MOON TARG [Me] shows %T how [he/she] feels about it!
SELF [Me] tries to moon [him/her]self!
NONE [Me] shows everyone how [he/she] feels about it!
/MOUrn TARG [Me] lowers [his/her] head and mourns the loss of %t.
SELF [Me] lowers [his/her] head and mourns the loss of the dead.
NONE [Me] lowers [his/her] head and mourns the loss of the dead.
/NEener TARG [Me] childishly taunts %T.
SELF [Me] childishly taunts [him/her]self.
NONE [Me] childishly taunts everyone.
/NO TARG [Me] gives %T an emphatic NO!
SELF [Me] gives [him/her]self an emphatic NO!
NONE [Me] gives everyone an empathic NO!
/NOD TARG [Me] nods in agreement at %T.
SELF [Me] nods in agreement to [him/her]self.
NONE [Me] nods in agreement with everyone.
/NOTworthy TARG [Me] is genuflects to %T!
SELF [Me] feels not worthy of [him/her]self!
NONE [Me] genuflects.
/OVerhere TARG [Me] waves frantically to %t.
SELF [Me] waves frantically!
NONE [Me] waves frantically!
/PEEr TARG [Me] peers curiously at %T.
SELF [Me] peers curiously at [him/her]self.
NONE [Me] peers curiously at everyone.
/PLEad TARG [Me] pleads with %t desperately.
SELF [Me] pleads with everyone around [him/her].
NONE [Me] pleads for fate's favor.
/POint TARG [Me] points at %T.
SELF [Me] points at [him/her]self.
NONE [Me] points.
/POKe TARG [Me] pokes %t.
SELF [Me] pokes [him/her]self.
NONE [Me] pokes [him/her]self.
/PONder TARG [Me] ponders %T.
SELF [Me] ponders things best left unspoken.
NONE [Me] ponders.
/POUt TARG [Me] pouts dramatically at %T.
SELF [Me] pouts dramatically by [him/her]self.
NONE [Me] pouts dramatically.
/PUzzle TARG [Me] looks at %t, completely puzzled.
SELF [Me] looks completely puzzled.
NONE [Me] looks completely puzzled.
/RAISehand TARG [Me] tries to get %T's attention.
SELF [Me] begins frantically raising [his/her] hand.
NONE [Me] begins frantically raising [his/her] hand.
/ROAr TARG [Me] emits a low rumble and then a roar at %t!
SELF [Me] emits a low rumble and then roars like a lion!
NONE [Me] emits a low rumble and then roars like a lion!
/ROFl TARG [Me] rolls on the floor laughing at %T!
SELF [Me] flexes rolls on the floor laughing at [him/her]self!
NONE [Me] rolls on the floor laughing!
/ROYalwave TARG [Me] regally waves at %T.
SELF [Me] regally waves at [him/her]self.
NONE [Me] regally waves.
/RUde TARG [Me] gestures rudely at %T!
SELF [Me] gestures rudely at [him/her]self!
NONE [Me] gestures rudely!
/SAD TARG [Me] makes a sad face at %T.
SELF [Me] looks sad.
NONE [Me] makes a sad face.
/SALute TARG [Me] crisply salutes %T.
SELF [Me] crisply salutes [him/her]self.
NONE [Me] crisply salutes.
/SARcasm TARG [Me] sarcastically applauds %T.
SELF [Me] sarcastically applauds [him/her]self.
NONE [Me] sarcastically applauds.
/SCHeme TARG [Me] rubs [his/her] hands together, scheming with %T.
SELF [Me] rubs [his/her] hands together, scheming [his/her] next action.
NONE [Me] rubs [his/her] hands together, obviously scheming.
/SCOld TARG [Me] sternly scolds %T!
SELF [Me] sternly scolds [him/her]self!
NONE [Me] sternly scolds everyone!
/SCRAtch TARG [Me] scratches all over [his/her] body.
SELF [Me] scratches [his/her] body.
NONE [Me] scratches all over [his/her] body.
/SCREam TARG [Me] screams at %T in frustration!
SELF [Me] screams at [him/her]self in frustration!
NONE [Me] screams in frustration!
/SEEnoevil TARG [Me] covers [his/her] eyes to avoid seeing what %T is doing.
SELF [Me] covers [his/her] eyes to avoid seeing what [he/she] is about to do.
NONE [Me] covers [his/her] eyes to avoid seeing what anyone is doing.
/SHAkefist TARG [Me] shakes [his/her] fist menacingly at %T!
SELF [Me] shakes [his/her] fist menacingly at [him/her]self!
NONE [Me] shakes [his/her] fist at nothing in particular!
/SHAMe TARG [Me] is ashamed of %T.
SELF [Me] is ashamed of [him/her]self.
NONE [Me] appears ashamed.
/SHImmy TARG [Me] shimmies around %T!
SELF [Me] shimmies around in a circle!
NONE [Me] shimmies!
/SHIVer TARG [Me] shivers at %T in antici..pation.
SELF [Me] shivers. BRRRRR!
NONE [Me] shivers.
/SHRug TARG [Me] shrugs noncommittally at %T.
SELF [Me] shrugs at [his/her] own thoughts.
NONE [Me] shrugs.
/SIGh TARG [Me] sighs at %T in disappointment.
SELF [Me] sighs in disappointment at [him/her]self.
NONE [Me] sighs disappointedly.
/SMile TARG [Me] smiles at %T.
SELF [Me] smiles evilly to [him/her]self!
NONE [Me] smiles warmly.
/SMIRk TARG [Me] smirks at %T.
SELF [Me] smirks at [his/her] own thoughts.
NONE [Me] smirks.
/SNarl TARG [Me] snarls %T.
SELF [Me] bears [his/her] teeth in a terrible snarl.
NONE [Me] bears [his/her] teeth in a terrible snarl.
/SNEer TARG [Me] sneers at %T!
SELF [Me] sneers to [him/her]self!
NONE [Me] sneers!
/SNEEZe TARG [Me] sneezes on %t!
SELF [Me] sneezes to [him/her]self.
NONE [Me] sneezes!
/SNIcker TARG [Me] quietly snickers and points at %T.
SELF [Me] quietly snickers to [him/her]self.
NONE [Me] snickers.
/SNIFf TARG [Me] sniffs at %T and recommends bathing more often!
SELF [Me] flexes at [him/her]self and nearly passes out!
NONE [Me] sniffs at the general area... what smells?!
/SPeaknoevil TARG [Me] covers [his/her] mouth to prevent saying anything to %T.
SELF [Me] covers [his/her] mouth to prevent saying [his/her] thoughts aloud.
NONE [Me] covers [his/her] mouth to prevent saying anything further.
/SQuare TARG [Me] shapes a box in the air for %T!
SELF [Me] shapes a box in the air!
NONE [Me] shapes a box in the air!
/SQUEal TARG [Me] squeals in delight at %T!
SELF [Me] squeals in delight!
NONE [Me] squeals in delight!
/STARE TARG [Me] stares fixedly at %T.
SELF [Me] stares fixedly off in the distance.
NONE [Me] stares fixedly off in the distance.
/STInky TARG [Me] makes a stinky face at %T!
SELF [Me] makes a stinky face at [him/her]self and tries to remember what [he/she] had for lunch!
NONE [Me] makes a stinky face!
/STRetch TARG [Me] stretches lazily at %T.
SELF [Me] streches lazily to [him/her]self.
NONE [Me] stretches lazily.
/SUlk TARG [Me] sulks quielty at %T.
SELF [Me] sulks quietly to [him/her]self.
NONE [Me] sulks quietly.
/SWEar TARG [Me] swears loudly at %T!
SELF [Me] swears loudly to [him/her]self!
NONE [Me] swears loudly!
/TANtrum TARG [Me] throws a temper tantrum at %T!
SELF [Me] starts kicking and screaming like a child!
NONE [Me] starts kicking and screaming like a child!
/TAPfoot TARG [Me] taps [his/her] foot impatiently at %T.
SELF [Me] taps [his/her] foot impatiently, anticipating future actions.
NONE [Me] taps [his/her] foot impatiently.
/TAUnt TARG [Me] mercilessly taunts %T!
SELF [Me] attempts to taunt [him/her]self!
NONE [Me] mercilessly taunts all nearby!
/THanks TARG [Me] graciously thanks %T.
SELF [Me] thanks [him/her]self.
NONE [Me] appears thankful.
/THReaten TARG [Me] threatens %T with a horrible death!
SELF [Me] threatens everyone!
NONE [Me] threatens all nearby!
/THUmbsup TARG [Me] gives %T the thumbs-up!
SELF [Me] gives [him/her]self the thumbs-up!
NONE [Me] gives the thumbs-up!
/VETo TARG [Me] vetos %t's idea.
SELF [Me] vetos the idea.
NONE [Me] vetos the idea.
/VIolin TARG [Me] plays an imaginary violin in mock sympathy for %T!
SELF [Me] plays an imaginary violin in mock sympathy for [him/her]self!
NONE [Me] plays an imaginary violin in mock sympathy.
/WAVe TARG [Me] waves to %T.
SELF [Me] waves.
NONE [Me] waves.
/WElcome TARG [Me] welcomes %t warmly.
SELF [Me] welcomes everyone.
NONE [Me] welcomes everyone.
/WHIne TARG [Me] whines at %T pitifully.
SELF [Me] whines pitifully.
NONE [Me] whines pitifully.
/WHIStle TARG [Me] whistles appreciatively at %T!
SELF [Me] whistles.
NONE [Me] whistles.
/WHOMe TARG [Me] gestures at %T, Who me?!
SELF [Me] gestures at [him/her]self, Who me?!
NONE [Me] gestures at everyone, Who me?!
/WInce TARG [Me] winces at %T.
SELF [Me] winces at [him/her]self.
NONE [Me] winces at the crowd.
/WINK TARG [Me] winks at %T.
SELF [Me] winks.
NONE [Me] winks.
/WOowoo TARG [Me] shows %T what [he/she] is thinking about!
SELF [Me] shows [Me] thoughts to [him/her]self!
NONE [Me] draws an image for the crowd!
/YAwn TARG [Me] yawns rudely in %T's face!
SELF [Me] yawns.
NONE [Me] yawns.
/YEAh TARG [Me] fervently agrees with %T!
SELF [Me] fervently agrees!
NONE [Me] fervently agrees!
Я ангел! Просто крылья в сушке, а нимб на подзарядке...

Лавиния - фурия 80
Лиотт - плотник 80
Тэлла - менестрелька 80
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Сообщения: 60
Вс 10 июн, 2007 11:44

Re: Про управление и макросы в игре.

Сообщение Чижик » Пт 28 мар, 2008 13:43

о мой бедный мозг...
И создал Бог женщину. Существо получилось злобное, но забавное...
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Сообщения: 218
Пт 06 июл, 2007 21:30
Откуда: Питер

Re: Про управление и макросы в игре.

Сообщение Келенгар » Вс 06 апр, 2008 15:07

Лави, ты с кем это вот выше разговаривала? :shock: :o
"...от ненужных побед,
остается усталость,
если завтрашний день не сулит
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Сообщения: 91
Вт 20 ноя, 2007 1:20
Откуда: Москва СВАО

Re: Про управление и макросы в игре.

Сообщение Анико » Пн 07 апр, 2008 10:17

А вот как правильно написать макрос на напр спелл, чтобы сообщение о нем в чат выводилось только после успешного срабатывания этого спелла?
Напр если кинут дебафф и он прошел, в чат выводится сообщение "Снято с моба 100Инт". А если не прошел (срезистил напр) - не выводится! Или на ресс - выводится только при успешном срабатывании, а если цель уже реснута - не выводится
Живешь лишь дважды - рождаясь на свет и глядя в лицо смерти..
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Сообщения: 119
Сб 02 фев, 2008 14:20
Откуда: Россия
Класс персонажа: Некро

Re: Про управление и макросы в игре.

Сообщение Лайонелла » Вт 08 апр, 2008 12:34

Это уже не макрос, а триггер :)
Фурия 80, Плотник 80, Техномаг 310
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Мастер общения
Сообщения: 181
Ср 09 янв, 2008 14:47
Откуда: Москва

Re: Про управление и макросы в игре.

Сообщение Анико » Вт 08 апр, 2008 16:20

Хоть макрос, хоть триггер, хоть гусь лапчатый.. Всё равно надо :)
Живешь лишь дважды - рождаясь на свет и глядя в лицо смерти..
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Сообщения: 119
Сб 02 фев, 2008 14:20
Откуда: Россия
Класс персонажа: Некро


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